DeFi Daddies Do Denver

Uniswap Wallet, Metaverse Manicures and more


The happenings:


The Boys

Writer: Rachlol

Editor: Deana

Silvergate is turbo-fucked. When it rains it pours. Silvergate, the crypto-friendly bank used by many of the major crypto companies, is in t-r-o-u-b-l-e. It was one of the first to provide banking services to crypto-related businesses, and was known for its innovative approach to working with digital assets — making it v. popular with companies like Circle, Coinbase, etc. But after this dumpster fire of a financial year and its close ties to FTX, things are looking dicey. If Silvergate implodes, expect a ripple effect throughout the entire industry.

New wallet has been birthed. Get ready to dump your old wallet like your ex, because the Uniswap wallet is here. It’s a non-custodial wallet, meaning users will have full ownership and control over their assets - just the way we like it. The wallet offers features like trading and better gas management (we need this), and is essentially a one-stop shop for everything you need to surf web3. Get early access, here. Download and be a DeFi Daddy, not a CeFi saddy.

Me, myself & OPI. Your nail art is now on-chain. OPI, the nail polish brand you know and love, has been pilled. This week, OPI hard launched their NFT project on Ledger Market. With colors like "NFT-ease me" and "I Sold My Crypto," your nails & wallet are getting a glow up.