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Only real ones check their email the last weekend in August. ILY.

Club happenings:


The Boys

Writer: Deana

Cash Me Outside. Tornado Cash founders were charged with counts of money laundering and sanction violations this week. The feds are saying they knowingly broke the law and personally profited from bad actors using the tech. Others argue they wrote credibly neutral and privacy preserving code, and that the laws themselves outdated and useless, given the way protocols operate. It’s a controversial and thorny case, with potentially huge implications for the crypto industry.

Crypto on the Campaign Trail. Bitcoin wasn’t mentioned at Wednesday’s GOP debate, despite speculation on Twitter. The current techboy fave is pharma bro Vivek Ramaswamy, who was loosely endorsed by Elon Musk earlier this week. Vivek is pro-Bitcoin and once said, “Thomas Jefferson, he would’ve been mining for Bitcoin today, I have little doubt about that.” Interesting. Meanwhile DeSantis’ Wednesday performance is getting meme-d to death on the timeline. Useful perspective. Boys Club is officially endorsing Selina Meyer for president.

Sam’s Shenanigans. We haven’t talked about SBF in a minute. He’s currently throwing his law firm Fenwick and West under the bus by saying they told him everything he was doing was cool and nbd. Fenwick is, unsurprisingly, not commenting on the matter. Meanwhile, bankruptcy proceedings are costing $1.5M per day. A lawyer representing the creditors says, "Every dollar spent in the case is essentially a dollar that creditors don't receive."

No gatekeeping. This section highlights what The Boys are buying or doing rn. We don’t earn a commission on these recs (...unless?), so you can trust they are straight from the heart. Submit your rec here.

Says our anonymous submitter, “The ‘spiky mat’ is an every night thing for me these days to wind down and relax. Even just 2 mins on this thing can turn my mood around.”

  • ❤️ We love to see it pt 1. Register for Seed Club’s next demo day, with a focus on consumer crypto.

  • 🚀 We love to see it pt 2. Congrats to Leyla for landing a new gig at Bloom AI.

  • 🎨 We love to see it pt 3. Paff is looking for artists to help curate a drop on Take Up Space.

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