Softbank goes hard

Sama's Sora, Worldcoin pump, & dudes with their chips


Congrats, you’ve made it to Wednesday. Here’s some club news:


The Boys

Writer: Natasha (insta)
Editor: Deana

20 many days till /brandnew, buy your ticket here here!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For the three people that missed it. OpenAI announced Sora last week, their video generation model which takes text prompts and turns them into 1 minute videos. The results are shockingly realistic and the resounding response from fans and naysayers is:

The tool is not available to the public yet, just red-teamers (nerds) and influencers (artists, designers, and filmmakers) whose job it is to intentionally find weaknesses or ways to abuse the tool. As ever, Sama flexed on twitter to highlight the tools capabilities and OpenAI had a deep cut dunk on their announcement page for those paying very close attention.

Looks like OpenAI finally has a Tiktok strategy. We talk about the spiritual experience of Sora on the podcast.

Worldcoin pumps. A surprising effect from the roll out of Sora is everyone asking themselves….

….was a Worldcoin token ($WLD) pump. Worldcoin, the proof-of-personhood startup co-founded by Sam Altman, issues tokens to individuals who scan their biometrics as proof of personhood and receive $WLD. Now these thing could have no correlation at all, but the timing is sus. The token reached a high of $7.86 over the weekend, bringing its fully diluted valuation to over $63 billion, placing it among the top 100 tokens by market cap and leading me to conduct further research.

Softbank goes hard on chips. This week in who’s raising money for AI chips, Softbank Group and CEO Masayoshi Son has entered the chat and is looking to raise $100 billion to reshape the landscape of the semiconductor market.” This new venture, titled Izanagi, is coming for Nvidia's crown and signs that Softbank is serious about its move into AI investments.

A section highlighting the timeline takeover clips, toks, and vids from the week.