the cure for bear market blues

Love on Leverage, SBF's first week in court and more


Tbh, it’s hard to ship this newsletter this morning amidst news of war. We may host a community feelings check-in this week if there is enough interest, DM me if you’d like to participate.

Club happenings:


The Boys

Writer: Deana

Love on Leverage. You can think of Unlonely like a web3 Twitch—a crypto-native video streaming platform which integrates creator tokens, betting and voting functionality. Their dating prediction show Love on Leverage, the brainchild of Grace Guan, popped off this week with more than 5,000 views. Why is LoL up good, when everything else is down bad? They’re using a time-tested media format, tapping into vanilla voyeurism and using crypto to create a fun, unique, participatory experience. Each night one eligible bachelorette sits for a public, virtual, hour-long date with an internet stranger. Viewers bet at the top of the show as to whether or not there will be a second date, debating in the chat as the date is happening live. Many Boys Club babes are involved, and we’re hosting a GRWM pre-game for Camille’s date this week. Tysm to Ivy for the coverage, and ofc shout out to The Mother of blockchain dating shows, Mad Realities.

Sam’s Bad Week. It was a tough week in court for Sam Bankman-Fried. First, SBF’s longtime friend and FTX co-founder, Gary Wang, said they were committing fraud—a lot of it. Go off Gary. Adam Yedidia, a FTX developer and Sam’s former friend, testified that “FTX defrauded its customers.” Get ‘em Adam. The only silver lining for Sam is the truly odd and misguided support (?) from The Big Short and Moneyball author Michael Lewis, who cashed in released a gushy biography on SBF this week. "The book is a wet market of sloppy thinking that I feel compelled to address lest it spread mind viruses,” says Amanda Cassatt in a review.

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